
10 Ways to Ensure You Don’t Stay Stuck This Year

Change this one word when you’re making promises to yourself. This one tiny change will increase the chances that you’ll keep those promises to yourself.

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I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


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Did you know that our brains are more inclined to avoid pain than to achieve progress?

It happens and we don’t even notice it. Here’s how sneaky it is.

Whenever I hear a client say, “I’ll try.” I gotta call out that nasty three letter word TRY to them. It implies certain failure. Trying always has a “but” at the end.

“I’ll try, but I’m not sure it will work.”

“I’ll try, but first I have to read up on it.”

This is one certain way to ensure you’ll stay stuck.

If you want progress, replace the word TRY with WILL.

“I will ask for a raise.”

“I will launch a podcast.”

Can you hear the difference?

Many of us didn’t accomplish all our goals this year, including yours truly. And that’s okay as long as you understand why. Here are some things I did this year that held me back, and I’m not going to let them get the best of me in the new year.

Check off any of the 10 ways below that kept you stuck this past year, and commit to doing the opposite in the new year.

Once you’ve committed to doing things differently, you can set your goals.

Don’t believe me?

Here are 10 Ways to Ensure You Stay Stuck this year.

  1. Wait for the perfect time.
  2. Expect the best-case scenario.
  3. Start something new today, start something new tomorrow. Repeat.
  4. Read lots of books, don’t take action.
  5. Listen to lots of podcasts, don’t take action.
  6. Watch lots of tutorials, don’t take action.
  7. Ask for advice, don’t take action.
  8. Blame the situation, not yourself.
  9. Wait for someone to help you.
  10. Make excuses and give yourself a way out.

    Does the idea of being stuck incite PAIN? If so, embrace the opposite:

    1. The perfect time doesn’t exist, start today.
    2. Hope for the best-case scenario, plan for the worst.
    3. Start something new today and stick with it for longer than anyone else.
    4. Read lots of books, take action.
    5. Listen to lots of podcasts, take action.
    6. Watch lots of tutorials, take action.
    7. Ask for advice, take action.
    8. Learn from the situation, make yourself better.
    9. The only person who’ll help you is you.
    10. Don’t make excuses and make yourself a way through.

    There is no trying, only doing, because failure is not an option.

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    I'm carlene!

    I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


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