1:1 Coaching Packages

June 18, 2017

Coaching Intensive If you struggle with accountability and follow-thru the weekly sessions give you the structure you need as you build new healthy habits for yourself. If you have a hot item on your to-do-list that has to… Read More

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I'm carlene!

I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


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Coaching Intensive

If you struggle with accountability and follow-thru the weekly sessions give you the structure you need as you build new healthy habits for yourself. If you have a hot item on your to-do-list that has to get done NOW this Coaching package is for you. We partner to help you move from stuck to unstuck. The Coaching Intensive Program offers 4 one-on-one phone coaching sessions for one month or, 12 one-on-one phone coaching sessions for 3 months, unlimited support via email, and full access to online services and discounts.

1-Month Program: 
1 Payment of $665

Contract expires after 30 days from your first session and can be renewed monthly

3-Month Program: 
3 Payments of $615

Contract expires after 90 days from your first session


Coaching Transformational

This is the most popular package clients start with in coaching. We meet 3x/month to help build accountability and momentum to carry out the actions you’ve decided you need to take to make changes in your life. We focus on your innate strengths and ensure you are making choices that align with your values. The Transformational Coaching program offers 18 one-on-one coaching sessions for 6 months unlimited support via email, and full access to online services and discounts.

With 3 month contract:
3 Payments of  $497

Contract expires after 3 months from your first session

With Month to Month contract:
Payment $547/month

Contract expires after 30 days from your first session and can be renewed monthly


Coaching Maintenance

Stay the course you have set for yourself. The Maintenance Program is for those clients who have completed the Intensive or Transformation programs. It offers you a way to stay aware and mindful of what is working and not working. Once you know that, we try new things, new strategies, new mindsets. The Coaching Maintenance program offers 12 one-on-one coaching sessions for 6 months, unlimited support via email, and full access to online services and discounts.

With 3 month contract:3 Payments of $397

Contract expires after3 months from your first session

With Month to Month contract:
Payment $447/month

Contract expires after 30 days from your first session and can be renewed monthly

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hey there!


A Coach, Blogger, and Mother with
big dreams! 

Very into chai tea latte's, sherpa throws and carving out a life you don't have to pretend to like. Avoiding small talk since....well, forever. 

Ready to Crush your Self-Doubt?

Imagine how liberating it would be to do the things you want to do.


Understand two popular confidence building myths & why they do not work.

Discover the ONE thing you can do to start building real confidence.

Carlene Bauwens

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