
5 Tired Excuses Keeping You Stuck and Struggling

It’s actually our thinking, all those tired excuses in our head- not our doing – that keeps us stuck. We have all these thoughts – and we use these thoughts as excuses for not achieving a goal, or handling a problem, or not making the most of the opportunities life throws our way. Do any […]

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I'm carlene!

I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


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It’s actually our thinking, all those tired excuses in our head- not our doing – that keeps us stuck.

We have all these thoughts – and we use these thoughts as excuses for not achieving a goal, or handling a problem, or not making the most of the opportunities life throws our way.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • I’m afraid of making a mistake.
  • I’m just not confident enough to do this.
  • I just don’t have enough time or money.
  • I’m afraid of what others might think.
  • It just isn’t the right time.

Dang, we all think and say these things, quite often.

Excuses keep you stuck in limbo. You want all these wonderful things, but you will never have them because the excuses you make prevent you from moving forward.

Here are the top 5 tired excuses and how to turn them into action:

Excuse #1: I’m afraid of making mistakes… I’m hesitant because I’ll probably goof this up.

Turn it into action by accepting the fact that mistakes are a natural part of life. We all make mistakes. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t make mistakes. No matter how much experience you have, you are still going to make mistakes. They help you learn and grow from the experience.

In fact, making mistakes is a natural part of success. As long as you take time to learn from your mistakes, they can lead to huge growth opportunities and insights that will help you move forward in a better way. Now, go make some mistakes. You’ll learn soooo much!

Excuse #2: I’m just not good enough… I’m just not confident enough to do this and make this work.

Turn it into action by acknowledging that self-confidence comes with competence (practicing skills) and experience. It’s perfectly okay and normal to lack confidence when you’re doing something for the first time. The more you do something the less scary it becomes. Familiarity breeds confidence.

Taking action is the fastest way to prove your fear wrong. When you take action, you learn that you’re safe and nothing bad happens when you try new things. Go do something new right now!

Excuse #3: I don’t have enough time or money… I’m sooo busy and I can’t even tell you where all my money goes.

Turn it into action by committing yourself to improving your time and money management skills. Managing your time and money is all about effective prioritization.

You will always find the time and money for the things you prioritize. Figure out what’s most important and then let go of everything else. Also, be cutthroat when it comes to eliminating distractions and wasteful spending. Make your time and money plans now!

Excuse #4: I’m afraid of what people will think… People are going to judge and criticize me.

Turn it into action by knowing that the only opinion that truly matters is yours! No matter what you do, you will NEVER EVER satisfy absolutely everyone in your life.

Stop trying to please everyone else and please yourself instead. Yes, there will always be someone who will judge and criticize you. You decide if you give that someone the power to hold you back. Now, keep your head down and focus on doing what’s important to you.

Excuse #5: This is just not the right time… I’ve got soooo much going on.

Turn it into action by acknowledging the fact that there is never really a right or a perfect moment to do something. Waiting for the perfect moment might mean that you miss out on opportunities that may never pop up again. With this is mind, commit to getting started in a small way today. Go take one small step right now and start!

It’s time to let all those tired excuses go.

Remember, all of these excuses – that keep you stuck in a constant state of procrastination – stem from a lack of confidence. Catch yourself when you are making these excuses and make a conscious decision to take action instead. Your future self will thank you!

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I'm carlene!

I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


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