Schedule Appointment

March 16, 2018

Hey there! I’m looking forward to talking with you! Setting up a time to talk with me via phone for about 30 minutes is easy. Once you click on the link at the bottom of this page you will be taken to open appointments on my calendar. Watch your inbox for your appointment confirmation email. […]

Is coaching right for you, right now?
Do You have ADHD?
what's Your Adhd superPower?
who doesn't like a quiz?
I'm carlene!

I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

Schedule consult
Hey there! I’m looking forward to talking with you!
Setting up a time to talk with me via phone for about 30 minutes is easy.
Once you click on the link at the bottom of this page you will be taken to open appointments on my calendar.

Watch your inbox for your appointment confirmation email. If you don’t see it, check your spam or junk folder.

 Talk to you soon!

Schedule Appointment Here

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hey there!


A Coach, Blogger, and Mother with
big dreams! 

Very into chai tea latte's, sherpa throws and carving out a life you don't have to pretend to like. Avoiding small talk since....well, forever. 

Ready to Crush your Self-Doubt?

Imagine how liberating it would be to do the things you want to do.


Understand two popular confidence building myths & why they do not work.

Discover the ONE thing you can do to start building real confidence.

Carlene Bauwens

© coach carlene 2023  |  Design by Tonic  |  legal


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