Let’s shake up the whole gratitude thing. You’ve heard how powerful it is to practice gratitude. You know, “write down 5 things you’re grateful for today.” That’s great and when you make a small shift in your gratitude practice to being grateful about yourself that’s when it gets really personal. So personal, it creates unshakeable confidence.
The 2-Minute habit to build unshakeable confidence goes like this:
Step 1: Start a note in your phone called “1 Thing”
Step 2: Every morning, jot down 1 thing you’re grateful for about yourself.
🙌 You stayed up late last night to get a project done on time.
🙌 You trusted yourself to take a risk at work and it really paid off.
🙌 You’re the kind of person who tips your waiter generously.
🙌 You went to the gym even though you didn’t want to.
🙌 You had a tough conversation that made things 10x better.
The act of recording these daily affirmations on your phone provides a tangible record of your growth and accomplishments over time.
Flipping through the “1 Thing” list serves as proof of your ability to overcome challenges.
Confidence isn’t about shouting affirmations in the mirror. Not for me, at least.
While affirmations and positive self-talk can be helpful, true confidence stems from a deeper understanding and appreciation of yourself.
One simple yet powerful habit that can significantly contribute to building unshakeable confidence is the practice of acknowledging and celebrating small wins.
It’s about building a stack of tiny wins and reminding yourself of them often. By celebrating small wins, you cultivate a sense of momentum and motivation to continue working towards your goals.
Each entry in the “1 Thing” note becomes a building block to form a solid foundation of confidence. As you accumulate more wins, you become increasingly resilient. You know you have a trove of past successes to draw upon for strength and inspiration when all the self-doubt rears its ugly head.
In your journey toward building unshakeable confidence it is critical to shift your focus from perceived shortcomings to strengths and achievements.
Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how incremental. Building unshakeable confidence starts by spending 2-minutes each morning to capture one thing you are grateful for about yourself.