What Clients Are Saying!

July 11, 2017

Be Inspired!

Is coaching right for you, right now?
Do You have ADHD?
what's Your Adhd superPower?
who doesn't like a quiz?
I'm carlene!

I'm an ADHD expert and nerd out on the "simple" science of how the brain works. Turns out the woo isn't woo, and I am excited to teach you how to take control of your thoughts & actions.


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

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Refreshing and Positive

How I think about my ADHD has shifted since coaching with Carlene. Now I can move myself out of the negative thinking and set myself up for wins. It was so refreshing to talk to someone who would celebrate things that felt big to me but were never a big deal to “normal” people! I moved out of an unhealthy living situation, see my friends more often and made peace with past family issues. Today, I’m more confident and have the tools I need to move forward with my life!”

Jennifer, Adult Client


Approachable and Trustworthy 

“When I came home after only one semester at college, I started coaching with Carlene. She allowed me to come up with MY best way to do things. She knows what a college student with ADHD can use and implement to keep their lives and mental health as balanced as possible. I took one semester off, and returned to college completing another two semesters with less anxiety and better grades. No more doubts. I will get my degree!”

Erin, College Student


Tapped Into My Talents 

“Through coaching, I discovered I had many strengths I was not using. Understanding how to use these strengths in my business has helped me stay focused. I’m more organized and productive. Carlene taught me how to coach myself through challenging situations so I can stay on track and have a successful business.”

Brian, Business Owner


A True ADHD Expert

“Managing my son’s behavior was a daily struggle. Carlene helped me understand how his ADHD brain works. I’m more confident in my parenting. I can help my son in ways I never could before.”

Amy, Parent


My Biggest Cheerleader 

I was afraid of not being ready to go off to college. My strengths were always there. It wasn’t until I started working with Carlene that I found them.

Kerry, College Student


Improved My Productivity

“My “to-do-list” was the boss of me. I was overwhelmed. Coaching with Carlene helped me learn ways to take control of my work. Now I’m hopeful about the future!”

Keith, College Professor

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so hot right now

hey there!


A Coach, Blogger, and Mother with
big dreams! 

Very into chai tea latte's, sherpa throws and carving out a life you don't have to pretend to like. Avoiding small talk since....well, forever. 

Ready to Crush your Self-Doubt?

Imagine how liberating it would be to do the things you want to do.


Understand two popular confidence building myths & why they do not work.

Discover the ONE thing you can do to start building real confidence.

Carlene Bauwens

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