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You’re an Inspiration and Don’t Even Know It

Are you constantly looking over your shoulder worrying about what others think of you? Is your default to assume they think the worst of you?

Ugh. It’s so frustrating isn’t it?

Here’s the thing. These critics only live in your head. Your brain takes those critics you’ve created and looks for proof that people are judging you.

But what if you stopped looking for your critics and looked for your fans instead?

Fans you say? Yes!

There are people you don’t even notice who are watching you and who think you are amazing. Oh yes, that is correct. You inspire others and don’t even know it.

You inspire others by simply “being.”

What you think is trivial is profound to other people.

You may not know who you are inspiring with your small, daily actions. But trust that everything you do may be an inspiration to someone.

None of those are extraordinary talents, but the way you carry yourself through your life is both extraordinary and inspiring to others.

You don’t know you’re inspirational because you don’t know who is watching your progress. You’re not looking for your fans because you are too busy looking for your critics.

Maybe you won’t reach millions of people with your life. Maybe you’ll only reach one.

Maybe you’ll reach 10. If you can set an example for 10 people, they may not tell you you’re inspiring them, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re inspirational.

Imagine what you would learn about yourself when you look at the world through a different lens. What if people weren’t against you? What if you they were cheering you on? What if they were changing their lives based on how you are living yours?

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!

You are inspiring others simply by being you. Just by being you, just by being your unique beautiful self, you’re inspiring others to do the same for themselves.

When you be you, you give unconscious permission to everyone around you to be them and that is your greatest gift in the world.

The most powerful inspirations I know of aren’t the quotes, YouTube videos or articles guaranteeing “10 Steps to Success”.

My biggest inspiration is my Mom. She gets up every day and takes care of my Dad who has Alzheimers. I don’t how she has done it day after day for almost a decade. She does it with grace, patience, and always, always finds something to be grateful for on the worst of days. Her attitude and resilience inspire me beyond words.

Who inspires you?

Whoever it is, tell them.

These are ordinary people in your life who have inspired you and still do.

Next time you are touched by someone’s story, tweet, blog post, comment, photo, let them know how it made you feel, how it shaped your thinking, what thoughts it provoked, what it allowed you to experience, discover, understand.

Tell them the qualities they embody that touch you, such as resiliency, humility, grace, perseverance, and a can-do attitude.

Soon. you’ll realize the ripple effect that because of them, you inspire others too.

What would the world look like if we all stopped looking for our critics and noticed our fans?

What you pay attention to is a choice.

The only thing you need to remember is that inspiring people needs to come from a place of authenticity – the real “YOU”.

Stop giving the critics in your head all the airtime. Instead, look for those quiet souls who are watching you, inspired by you.