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Feeling Tired and Uninspired? Try This


Do you ever have those days where you’re just in a rut, feeling unmotivated and uninspired to do anything?

Those days are the worst. 

I completely understand. As a coach, part of my job is to consistently create content. And being uninspired is the worst place to be in. 

So, while I sit down to write this, I’m not inspired. Which brings me to writing about not being inspired.

You see that? My lack of inspiration has inspired me to talk to you about what to do when you feel uninspired.

Even when you’re just not feeling it, there are two things you can do.

I know these two things I’m sharing will sound like advice from both ends of the spectrum. They both work. Pick one and see what unlocks that inspiration for you.


This tip is a bit counter-intuitive, but I can promise you it is so powerful.

Notice that feeling uninspired is simply a feeling.

Often what happens is we let this feeling control us and define who we are. Instead of it being “I feel uninspired,” the story we often tell ourselves is “I am uninspired = I am someone who is uninspired.”

You always have a choice to pick out a new, different thought for that feeling.

During those moments when I feel uninspired, I will tell myself:

“I feel uninspired right now, but it is not who I am. I know I am someone who is inspired, so therefore this feeling is only temporary.”

Then I would set out to perform the action anyways. You see, I’m still here with you. I started and I do feel more inspired than before I started writing.  Mark Manson wrote a great article about taking action despite feeling unmotivated.

One of the most surprising things about inspiration is that it often comes after starting a task or taking action, not before.

Inspiration is often the result of action, not the cause of it.

Once a task has begun, it’s easier to continue moving it forward.

You don’t need much inspiration once you’ve started a task. Nearly all of the friction in a task is at the beginning. After you start, you gain momentum and make progress. It is often easier to finish a task than it is to start it in the first place.

You don’t have to be inspired to get through the stuff you don’t feel like doing. You just need to start.

Stop thinking you have to be inspired to take any action. Pay the bills, send that email, go to the gym. You’re not going to be moved to do it. But, if you take one small step to start, the inspiration will come.


Maybe your schedule is too jam packed at the moment. Perhaps you need to make time for yourself to sit down, clear out your thoughts, and figure out the reason you feel stuck.

I also find that I can give myself some room and mental space whenever I get outside. So take the time to go out for a walk, get some fresh air, feel how the sun touches your skin and live in that moment for a while.

Even just taking a break to look out your window at the tree or stare at the sky from afar. And don’t forget those squirrels. It’s like watching a Disney movie as an entire forest of them play outside my kitchen window. Those simple actions have helped me slow down and create some space between my thoughts and what I’m currently doing.

Sometimes, slowing down is the best way to move forward.

First, this slowing down has helped me realize how rigid I can be in my approach to accomplish something. I’ve learned I can loosen up a bit. It’s challenging to stay inspired when I don’t allow any flexibility. 

Focus on the end goal, but be flexible on how you’re getting there. – Tony Robbins

So try to loosen up a bit. Open your mind up to new possibilities. Try a different approach to doing things. And perhaps along the way, some new ideas or inspiration will pop up. These ideas can only pop up when you are open to other options and create space for them to come in and play.

Second, slowing down also gives you space to tap back into your desire and find your WHY.

Something has to move you to do the things you need and want to do. Ask yourself:

When you do the work to discover your WHY or WHY’s, inspiration is always there for you. It’s internal and it’s yours to inspire you day after day.

So I leave you with this;

What is one small step of uninspired action you can take today?

How will you slow down today?