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4 Positive Outcomes of an Adult ADHD Diagnosis

Adult ADHD

Benefits of Coaching

You suspect that, “I may have a bit of that ADHD.”

Perhaps you took my ADHD quiz.

Or you read an article. Someone showed you a checklist.
Maybe a family member has been diagnosed.

Now you’re worried. Wondering, “Do I have this mindset? Or could it be something else?”

Adult ADHD is real. It is estimated that 85% of adults living with ADHD are undiagnosed.

The general public is often surprised to learn that adults can have ADHD. While most people are aware children have ADHD, they don’t realize it also affects adults too. However, ADHD doesn’t disappear on your 18th birthday!

ADHD changes into adulthood. Hyperactivity lessens with age, and adults develop coping strategies; both consciously and unconsciously to help them succeed in the world. It means that ADHD is less visible to the casual observer.

Some adults have known since childhood that they have ADHD. However, what they are now experiencing are different challenges. Learning skills on how to do well in school, are now replaced with the need to learn how to do well in a work environment, manage a household and take care of finances etc.

You may wonder what’s the point of getting a diagnosis? You’ve made it this far in life, why bother?

You think the only reason to get a diagnosis is if you want to use medication as a treatment and you’re not interested in medication.

Fact, if you are an adult with ADHD, getting a diagnosis is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Here’s why:

  1. Diagnosis is the first step towards ending the self-blame game. ADHD is a neurobiological condition. The feelings of not measuring up, frustration of trying 100x harder than everyone else, all lead to feeling inadequate. It’s not your fault.
  2. Diagnosis enables you to make better decisions about how you want to live. ADHD is a an explanation not an excuse. Awareness of how ADHD is showing up in your life is powerful in making changes to make every day better.
  3. Diagnosis helps rule out, or rule in, other conditions. Many who have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, OCD, ODD, have been able to improve the symptoms of these conditions when they address and treat ADHD through any combination of treatments that may or may not include medication.
  4. Diagnosis allows you to be the best example of self-care for your ADHD kids. Many kids struggle as they launch into adulthood to continue to effectively manage their ADHD. The most impactful thing you can do as a parent is to model how to manage ADHD day to day for yourself.

What do you need to take this first step?

Getting an ADHD diagnosis is a shock. At any age. It’s truly a life-changing moment.

Who can go on this journey with you? A spouse? A sibling? A friend? Your grown-up child? Yes, our kids are full of wisdom, love and support we never realized.

Tell me, what’s your next step?

P.S. Here’s links to a couple ADHD Quizzes:

Ladies Only ADHD Quiz       Adult ADHD Quiz      Kids ADHD Quiz